Best time to travel Karamoja,
North East Uganda.

Weather in general.

The climate in Karamoja is semi-arid. Some years droughts are common. Temperatures can reach as high as 40°C/104°F, but average around 29°C/84°F in the afternoon and 17°C/63°F at night. Altitudes range from 999m to 2720m (3278-8924ft), resulting in climatic changes within the park (temperatures drop by about 6.5°C for every 1000m/3.5°F per 1000ft you climb). There is one Wet season (differing from two Wet seasons in most of the country) from April to August.

The seasons.

Dry season – September to March

September, October & November – It might still rain some days as the wet season transitions into the dry season. It is getting warmer, with average temperatures of about 29°C/84°F in the afternoon and 17°C/63°F in the morning.


December, January & February – There is almost no rain and it gets drier and hotter. January and February are the warmest months with daytime temperatures of 32°C/90°F and morning temperatures of 18°C/64°F. Peak temperatures can easily rise to 40°C/104°F.

March – It is still dry, but the first rains will break the heat and settle the dust.


Wet season – April to August

April, May, June, July & August -Afternoon showers should be expected. When compared to the Wet seasons of the parks in the south, there isn’t a lot of rainfall. The lowest yearly temperatures are experienced, but the daytime still averages around 27°C/81°F, with morning temperatures around 17°C/63°F.

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