Knowing which animals live where is critical to planning effective conservation following to the two researchers. With the support of a grant from the National Geographic Society they are now focusing their research on the primates of Uganda. They conducted primate surveys in northeastern Uganda from 2014 to 2017
The researchers
Kenya-based Dutch primatologist Yvonne A. de Jong and American conservationist and ecologist Thomas M. Butynski. Combined, they have worked in Africa for almost 60 years with both impressive CV’s and both co-leaders of the Eastern Africa Primate Diversity and Conservation Program.
Surveys were conducted mostly in northeast Uganda, a large area of high ground that drops off suddenly to an expansive area of much lower, flatter, and drier (arid and semi-arid) ground to the north and east. In addition, some taxa may have been long-isolated on one or a few of the higher, wetter, and extremely ancient (granitic) mountains of this region (e.g., Mt. Kadam, Mt. Moroto, Nangeya Mts., Mt. Morungole, Mt. Zulia, Imatong Mts.).
Primate hotspots of Karamoja, northeast Uganda
The areas with the highest primate diversity in northeast Uganda include:
Agoro-Agu Central Forest Reserve
Five species confirmed:
P. anubis
C. t. budgetti
C. g. dodingae
C. m. stuhlmanni
G. s. senegalensis
E. p. pyrrhonotus (Residents say it occurs nearby)
Kidepo Valley National Park
Four species confirmed:
P. anubis, C. p. hilgerti
E. p. pyrrhonotus
G. s. senegalensis)
Residents state that these are present in the montane forests:
C. guereza
C. mitis a
Mount Elgon NP (Uganda & Kenya)
Four species confirmed:
P. anubis
C. p. hilgerti
C. m. stuhlmanni
C. g. matschiei
Galago s. senegalensis is reported to occur (Ambrose 2006; Nash et al. 2013).
Pian-Upe Wildlife Reserve
Two species confirmed:
P. anubis
C. p. hilgerti
Strong evidence was obtained for the presence of:
C. guereza
E. p. pyrrhonotus
G. s. senegalensis
female eastern patas monkey (Erythrocebus patas pyrrhonotus) in Kidepo Valley National Park, north- eastern Uganda
Adult male vervet monkey Chlorocebus pygerythrus east of Pian Upe Game Reserve, central east Uganda
2nd March 2023, Moroto – Karamoja Conservation Zones Initiative under the Kara-Tunga Foundation is recruiting Agroforestry Parish Coordinators to work in the Karamoja sub-region of Uganda.
View the presentation by Kara-Tunga teamleader ‘Theo Vos‘ at the first ever Uganda Adventure Tourism Webinar themed “Market Opportunities and Destination challenges”. Kara-Tunga shared their case-study of developing Karamoja into a must-visit tourist destination. Notes were also shared about the ongoing developments around the Warrior Nomad Trail – A Culture and Adventure Tourist trail through …
It’s an absolute milestone for the Karamoja Tourism Academy to host one of Uganda’s most famous travel journalist and marketeers ‘Charlotte Beauvoisin’ (Diary of a Muzungu) for the first time in Karamoja sub-region. Charlotte is facilitating a 4-day digital marketing introduction training for local tourism startups to strengthen the capacity of stakeholders along the Warrior …
Tour of Karamoja and Paul Sherwen Classic Bike Race are two Ugandan bike events in memory of the late Paul Sherwen. The Tour of Karamoja is an annual mountain-gravel bike event, co-founded by Paul Sherwen and taking place in his beloved Karamojaland located in Northeastern of Uganda. The Paul Sherwen Classic Bike Race is founded …
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Primates of Karamoja, northeast Uganda
Knowing which animals live where is critical to planning effective conservation following to the two researchers. With the support of a grant from the National Geographic Society they are now focusing their research on the primates of Uganda. They conducted primate surveys in northeastern Uganda from 2014 to 2017
The researchers
Kenya-based Dutch primatologist Yvonne A. de Jong and American conservationist and ecologist Thomas M. Butynski. Combined, they have worked in Africa for almost 60 years with both impressive CV’s and both co-leaders of the Eastern Africa Primate Diversity and Conservation Program.
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Biogeography, Taxonomy, Abundance, and Conservation Status of the Primates of Northeast Uganda and West Kenya
Research area
Surveys were conducted mostly in northeast Uganda, a large area of high ground that drops off suddenly to an expansive area of much lower, flatter, and drier (arid and semi-arid) ground to the north and east. In addition, some taxa may have been long-isolated on one or a few of the higher, wetter, and extremely ancient (granitic) mountains of this region (e.g., Mt. Kadam, Mt. Moroto, Nangeya Mts., Mt. Morungole, Mt. Zulia, Imatong Mts.).
Primate hotspots of Karamoja, northeast Uganda
The areas with the highest primate diversity in northeast Uganda include:
Agoro-Agu Central Forest Reserve
Five species confirmed:
Kidepo Valley National Park
Four species confirmed:
Mount Elgon NP (Uganda & Kenya)
Four species confirmed:
Pian-Upe Wildlife Reserve
Two species confirmed:
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