Karamoja Conservation Zones


For ecotourism to thrive in a developing area, Kara-Tunga is highly conscious about the relationship between host communities, the environment and economic empowerment. It therefore intentionally works towards building a sustainable relationship between them.


The foundation focuses on aligning economic growth with environmental protection and social empowerment. It partners with development organisations and community groups adjacent to key biodiversity areas with special focus on indigenous people, minority groups, youth and women.


The organisation works with equitable strategic partners to create the enabling conditions for the conservation enterprises to thrive. These partners are local government, government conservation agencies, financial institutions and private sector (apiary, agroforestry, ecotourism).

World Land Trust

The World Land Trust (WLT) is an international conservation charity that protects the world’s most biologically significant and threatened habitats.

Working through a network of partner organisations around the world, WLT funds the creation of reserves and provides permanent protection for habitats and wildlife. Partnerships are developed with established and highly respected local organisations who engage support and commitment among the local community.
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