Tag Archives: BikePacking Uganda

  • kara-tunga-tour-of-karamoja-2020-bike-event-uganda-jonathan-benaiah-2

    Immersed in this land of warrior nomads at the Tour of Karamoja

    Immersed in this land of warrior nomads at the Tour of Karamoja - The past more than 40 days have been of little or no rest, and still counting... Despite the unprecedented times, the last 7 days found Brian O O Jonathan and I covering the incredible Tour of Karamoja - Bike Event 2020 ? [...] More
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    I can’t describe Tour of Karamoja in words, you have got to see

    Justus Kojax Koojo of Ultimate Cycling Uganda and Theo of Kara Tunga safaris (both with me in the picture) have put together a very good challenge through Karamoja. Tourism is clearly attracting a good bred of people working together for the good. We have covered 200kms of ridding in the last 2 days and just [...] More
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    Unforgettable Tour of Karamoja Bike Event (Northeast Uganda)

    Unforgettable Tour of Karamoja Bike Event (Northeast Uganda) - It took a while, but here they are! Pictures of my unforgettable bike tour through Karamoja (north eastern Uganda). Or should we call it an adventure? Thank you everyone who called me a hero over the last few days? Last week I rode about 480 km's [...] More
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    Bikepacking through Karamoja with a Kidepo Safari

    Dutch cycling couple Paul Zuidgeest and Kathleen Verhelst are cycling through Africa and passed through Karamoja land with Kara-Tunga that took them to Kidepo Valley National Park. More articles on Bikepacking Uganda Read more stories of guests bikepacking through Uganda and especially Northeast Uganda in Karamoja:  www.kara-tunga.com/tag/bikepacking-uganda/ The route Cycling through Karamoja Watch below video [...] More
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    BikePacking Untouched Karamoja region of Uganda

    BikePacking Karamoja Uganda - We have organized our tour through Kara-Tunga. This is in Moroto and our contact person is Theo Vos. He was born and raised in the Netherlands but left for Uganda when his mother, originally Karamajong, returned to Uganda. Now he is trying to generate income for the region through tourism. Their [...] More
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    Bikepacking from Karamoja via Turkana to Ethiopia

    Bikepacking from Karamoja via Turkana to Ethiopia - Occasionally we meet people with courage and passion who took the opportunity to travel the world by bicycle like our friend Davide Travelli. Davide Travelli started his journey from Alaska to most Southern tip of South America (35,000 Km) and is now cycling through the African continent from [...] More
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