Tag Archives: Karamoja Tourism and Hospitality Association

  • enabel-kara-tunga-karamoja-uganda-tourism-development-dec-3

    Launch Karamoja Tourism and Hospitality Association

    Karamoja regional tourism and hospitality stakeholders celebrate the launch of 'Karamoja Tourism and Hospitality Association', aimed at a community-led and sustainable tourism sector in the Karamoja sub-region of northern Uganda. Background The idea for a regional tourism and hospitality association was born during he 3rd Karamoja Tourism Coordination Platform that took place in April . [...] More
  • enabel-kara-tunga-warrior-nomda-trail-karamoja-uganda-tourism-development-3

    3rd Karamoja Tourism Coordination Platform

    We are celebrating a milestone in the development of the Warrior Nomad Trail with a workshop attended by 35 key-tourism stakeholders from Uganda's Karamoja region. The meeting was aimed at fostering sustainable coordination of the regional tourism sector with the Warrior Nomad Trail at the centre. The participants shared their input and ideas on the [...] More
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