Tag Archives: Kijani Forestry

  • kara-tunga-foundation-karamoja-conservation-zones-tree-planting-1-s

    Kara-Tunga launches tree planting Karamoja Conservation Zones

    After months of preparations, Kara-Tunga Foundation launches tree planting for Karamoja Conservation Zones initiative. During Kara-Tunga's 8 years of operations, it has seen woodlands vanishing in just days. Fully loaded lorries exporting charcoal to the capital city. Illegal logging on commercial scale and exploitation of rural communities. Drivers of threats Poverty, lack of alternative income [...] More
  • kara-tunga-foundation -karamoja-uganda-conservation-kijani-forest

    Sustainable Charcoal Production

    We are looking back at an inspiring visit to Kijani Forestry in Gulu, which are revolutionising conservation through sustainable charcoal production. This is one of many strategical partnerships we are building to roll out our 'Karamoja Conservation Zone' initiative. This initiative aims at environmental conservation of places adjacent to protected areas through development of sustainable [...] More
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