8 Day Safari to Uganda’s Hidden Gem, Karamoja

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Discover Karamoja, the Untouched Wilderness of North East Uganda. Travel from the foothills of Mount Elgon, via the culturally endowed Karamoja region to Africa’s most scenic National Park; Kidepo Valley.

(2 customer reviews)

Discover Karamoja, the Untouched Wilderness of North East Uganda. Travel from the foothills of Mount Elgon, via the culturally endowed Karamoja region to Africa’s most scenic Wildlife Park; Kidepo Valley.

Why this safari works….

While places like Bwindi or Murchison Falls might be pretty well known, Karamoja and the far northeast are way off the beaten track. The tiniest fraction of tourists visiting Uganda ever make it deep into the Karamoja frontier lands, so you have an utterly wild, unspoilt and authentic adventure through some incredible scenery and amidst some fascinating local communities. We’ve tried to give you some idea of the itinerary below, but to be honest, adventures in this part of the world are unpredictable- this is one for the romantics and the seriously intrepid!

Plunge into the beauty of Sipi Falls

Sipi Falls is located in east Uganda and northwest of Mount Elgon rises in a series of massive basalt cliffs, often several kilometres in length, over which the mountain’s rivers plunge as beautiful waterfalls. Here we stay at Lacam Lodge which is built on slopes with breathtaking views of the Sipi Falls.

The next day is spent venturing out to see the waterfalls up close, experience the warm culture of the Sebei people and witness how one of Uganda’s most delicious coffee is grown.

Experience traditional life in a Karimojong village

Immerse yourself in Karamojong culture. The afternoon is spent participating in traditional games, and daily activities as preparing staple foods, harvesting, beading, learning, dancing, how to shoot bow and arrow and traditional friendly wrestling.

Sleeping a night with the Nomadic Karimojong Warriors in the Cattle Camp

Experience typical Karimojong pastoral life by sleeping a night with the animals and shepherds in the Kraal. Help bring the cows to the kraal, share stories around the campfire, play games with the warriors and learn all about nomadic life

Hike Mount Morungole and visit the mysterious Ik tribe

Mount Morungole (also known as Ikland) is located in the absolute northern hills of Karamoja. Here lives the smallest tribe of Uganda called the Ik. The Ik have always lived in Kidepo Valley National Park but have been displaced 50 years ago whereby the now live on the mountain ridges.

Visiting the IK gives you a rare insight into a unique tribe in Africa. You will find stunningly beautiful Scenery the higher your climb takes you, simply breathtaking scenes in the valleys below you and into the Eastern Rift Valley of Kenya and over to Southern Sudan.

Discover Africa’s most scenic and award-winning wildlife reserve; Kidepo Valley

Discover one of Africa’s most scenic national parks containing one of the most exciting faunas of any Ugandan park, with over 80 species of animals, several of which are only found in the Kidepo Valley like; cheetahs, striped hyenas, caracals, lions, elephants, leopards, warthogs, ostriches, buffaloes, giraffes and over 465 birds species.

Day by day (advised departure on Sunday)

Day 1 AM: Drive from Kampala to Sipi Falls (Lacam Lodge)
Day 2 AM: Sipi Falls Walk
Day 2 PM: Sipi Arabica Coffee Tour
Day 3 AM: 2hrs Drive to Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve (Pian Upe Eco Camp)
Day 3 PM: Walking Safari and Game Drive
Day 4 AM: 2hrs Transfer to Moroto (Kara-Tunga Safari Camp)
Day 4 PM: Cultural Experience in Karamojong Homestead
Day 4 PM: An Evening with Nomadic Cattle Keepers
Day 5 AM: Visit the traditional Cattle Auction / Village Market
Day 5 AM: 5hrs Drive to East African Rift Escarpment (Timu Eco Camp)
Day 5 PM: Unique Cultural Experience with the Ik Community
Day 6 AM: Climb Mount Morungole (3hrs up, 2hrs down)
Day 6 PM: Transfer to Kidepo Valley NP (Kidepo Savannah Lodge)
Day 7 AM: Morning Game Drive
Day 7 AM: Afternoon Nature Walk
Day 8 AM: Transfer to Kampala

Tour extensions
  • Kampala City Tour
  • Source of the Nile Tour in Jinja
  • Rafting or Kayaking on the river Nile in Jinja
  • Mount Elgon Hiking & Trekking Tours
  • Murchison Falls National Park Safari
  • Kibale Chimp Tracking
  • Gorilla Tracking in Bwindi
  • Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

• Sipi Falls Nature Walk & Coffee Tour
• Karamoja Community Bush Camping
• Authentic Karimojong Cultural Experience
• Wildlife Safari in Kidepo Valley National Park
• Climbing Mount Morungole


• Listed activities
• Listed Camping Sites
• Park Entree fees (non-resident)
• Land Cruiser w/ Rooftop Tent
• Meals


• International flights
• Additional accommodation before and at the end of the tour
• Tips (tipping guideline US$10.00 pp per day)
• Personal items (souvenirs, travel insurance, visa fees, etc.)
• Government imposed increase of taxes and/or park fees
• Drinks


• Camping, Lacam Lodge (SIpi Falls)
• Bush Camping (Moroto)
• Camping, Kidepo Savannah Lodge (Kidepo Valley)

Upgrades & Extensions

Accommodation upgrade available in Kidepo Valley National Park. Tour extensions available with for example Sipi Falls, Murchison Falls, Rhino Sanctuary.

  1. Mara & Cas (The Netherlands)

    (Read detailed review) Dutch language review: We hebben een geweldige tijd in Uganda gehad. Full African experience met werkelijk alles er op en er aan: ontzettend veel dieren gezien, prachtige natuur – van jungle tot woestijnachtige savanne -, oneindig veel bumpy gravel roads, hele mooie lieve mensen ontmoet en overal begroet met een glimlach van oor tot oor.

    Kara-Tunga had alles heel goed geregeld: bij aankomst stond de Toyota Land Cruiser inclusief camping gear op ons te wachten (links rijden was even wennen) en vanaf dat moment hebben we ons geen seconde verveeld met ons custom-made uur-tot-uur programma. Volgend jaar weer!

  2. Vera Rustema (The Netherlands)

    (Read the original review on Facebook) We had an amazing time in Karamoja staying at Kara-Tunga. Friendly staff, nice rooms and lovely local food!! The place felt like coming home after the first part of our trip through Uganda.

    We started our trip in Karamoja visiting the annual cultural festival and got the chance to experience real Karamojong culture. The day after the festival we visited the Kraal to spent the night with the shepherds. They gave us real Karamojong names and told us stories about their culture. It was really special. We also visited a local village to join the ‘Sunday’ dance with the villagers and saw how they were spending their Sunday afternoon.

    Besides visiting Karamoja we also visited the rest of Uganda with Kara-Tunga. (thank you Theo for being our guide!) We did amongst other things, a boda boda tour in Kampala, rafting in Jinja and visited the national parks Kidepo, Murchison and Kibale forest. If you want to see real nature with beautiful views you must definitely visit Kidepo.

    Thank you Kara-Tunga for one of the best holidays and learning us about the culture of Karamoja. We will definitely come visit you again. Uganda is a beautiful and safe country with friendly people.

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