Ateker Caravan 2024 – South Sudan

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The Ateker Caravan (23 Nov – 4 Dec 2024) is an annual cross-border trip among the Ateker cluster of communities (Uganda, South Sudan) aimed at preserving cultural heritage, fostering peace and prosperity through tourism and cross-border events.



Ateker Caravan 2024 – South Sudan

The Ateker Caravan is an annual cross-border trip among the Ateker cluster of tribes (Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya and Ethiopia) aimed at preserving cultural heritage, and fostering peace and prosperity through tourism and cross-border events.
The next edition will take place in December 2025 with as key purpose the visit of Ateker Youth Conference in Kapoeta South Sudan. Pre-registration for the trip has started officially and more details will be announced during the coming months of preparation.



The similarity in language, culture and livelihoods among the Karamojong, Turkana, Toposa, Jiye, Teso and Nyangatom has become a strong element for the Ateker communities to reunite.

With the increasing need to build strong sustainable unity among the peoples of the four countries of Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda language and culture have formed a bond among the people. In common, all these pastoralist communities remain outside mainstream social networks and discourse. They have thus rarely benefited from government infrastructure and development policies but have their own customary norms that govern their society, policies and economics. Due to insufficient attention to their current situation, few attempts have been made to guarantee their rights within the current development interventions which unfortunately have tended to disrupt their livelihoods consequently contributing to poverty and environmental degradation.

It is against this background that Ateker civil society organisations, individuals and the private sector are caravan move to raise awareness on cross-border cultural tourism and benefits for peace and development in the region.

  • Sleep in traditional homesteads aimed at sharing stories of history, peace and culture with elders.
  • Play youth games, and traditional dances and participate in dialogues
  • Visit natural, archaeological, cultural and historical sites
  • Hike the highest peak of the greater Sudan and the Ateker

The Ateker Caravan is planned to take place in December 2025. The exact order of the days is bound to change when the detailed programme is announced for the Youth Conference in Kapoeta.

  • Day 1 – Travel from Kampala to Karenga (Uganda)
  • Day 2 – Travel to Kapoeta (South Sudan)
  • Day 3 – Visit Toposa Community
  • Day 4 – Drive to jié Community
  • Day 6 – Visit jié Community
  • Day 7 – Drive to Kapoeta
  • Day 8 – Drive to Torit
  • Day 9,10,11 – Hike Mount Kinyeti
  • Day 12 – Drive from Torit to Moroto (Uganda)
  • Day 13 – Drive from Moroto to Kampala (Uganda)
Tentative program

The caravan will start and end in Moroto town in Uganda and the detailed itinerary will be shared within the coming months. Pre-register yourself now to receive updates on the developments around the Ateker Caravan on your email.


  • Kapoeta (South Sudan)
  • Torit (South Sudan)
  • Imatong Mountain Range, Mount Kenyeti (South Sudan)


  • Jie
  • Toposa
Visit more cultural festivals and events
  • The Karamoja Cultural Event Festival is aimed at celebrating Karimojong culture together with the so-called Ateker cluster tribes from Kenya, South Sudan and Ethiopia. The group tour combines a visit to the festival with an authentic Karimojong cultural experience and wildlife viewing in Uganda’s most applauded Kidepo Valley National Park.
  • The Lodwar Lake Turkana Cultural Festival is aimed at celebrating Karimojong culture together with the so-called Ateker cluster tribes from Kenya, South Sudan and Ethiopia. The group tour combines a visit to the festival with an authentic Turkana cultural experience and visit to Lake Turkana National Park.
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