Visit Nakapelimoru Village in Kotido – Largest Village in East Africa

/ per person

Visit Nakapelimoru Village in Kotido, known as the largest traditional village in East Africa and home to the Jié people of Karamoja.

Price per ordinary vehicle (maximum of 7 tourists). Price excludes transportation.

  1-5 ppl 6-10 ppl
Village walk $120 / group $130 / group
Experience $135 / group $185 / group

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Visit Nakapelimoru Village in Kotido

Visit Nakapelimoru Village, nearby Kotido town, known as the largest traditional village in East Africa and home to the Jié people.

The community has grown over the years and culture has been preserved like the controversial facial and body scarifications. During the visit you’ll start with a climb to a nearby rock formation for an introduction about the village from above. Hereafter the local guide takes you to a homestead to learn about the differences and similarities with other clans and tribes in Karamojaland.

More things to do in Kotido

Visit the Kotido cattle auction

There are more things to do besides a visit Nakapelimoru Village in Kotido. The vibrant pastoral community and other local traders gather every Wednesday (Mondays in Moroto) at the cattle auction. This is the perfect place to meet the community, purchase authentic souvenirs.

Shop for traditional crafts at the local market

Take your time and spent a night in Kotido town, a great location to shop for beads jewellery and other traditional crafts on the local market or craft shops in town.


Price per ordinary vehicle (maximum of 7 tourists). Price excludes transportation.

1 car 2 cars
Total price:  $ 100 $ 150
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