After months of preparations, Kara-Tunga Foundation launches tree planting for Karamoja Conservation Zones initiative.
During Kara-Tunga’s 8 years of operations, it has seen woodlands vanishing in just days. Fully loaded lorries exporting charcoal to the capital city. Illegal logging on commercial scale and exploitation of rural communities.
Drivers of threats
Poverty, lack of alternative income and a soaring demand have fuelled an environmental disaster. The effects are visible with a looming 5th failed rainfall season in a row. Besides crop failure, it is also jeopardising decades of peace-full coexistence due to scarcity of natural resources.
Kara-Tunga Foundation
As social enterprise, they are not able to solve this scale of a problem alone. They therefore launched our not-for-profit to develop sustainable answers with equitable partners.
Kara-Tunga’s first project is called The *Karamoja Conservation Zones* Initiative. It focuses on mitigating the drivers of deforestation through supporting community conservation enterprises in key biodiversity areas on high environmental pressure by adjacent communities. Secondly on restoring degraded land and thirdly on improving the management and protection.
Sustainable tourism is no longer enough. The people of Karamoja have embraced regenerative tourism to create a better world through travel. Since tourism in Uganda’s Karamoja sub-region is still in its infancy, it is incredibly important to raise awareness and to set expectations and guidelines now. Karamoja is the first place in East Africa where …
It is a legal requirement that all employees undergo basic fire safety training at induction and periodically thereafter, expected annually in most workplaces. The training must be carried out by a competent person with suitable and sufficient skills and knowledge of fire safety.
This is an amazingly fun Belgian television series for children showing how people in the world live with animals. For this 16 episode series, our favourite Belgian musician/presenter Arne Vanhaecke, visited different homesteads and kraals in Karamoja. The series is produced by VTM Kzoom in collaboration with Veterinarians Without Borders Belgium. View all episodes here:
Uganda’s northeast Karamojaland has kept many secrets due Its inaccessibility, only recently, researchers and scholars have started to explore these forgotten corners of the country. Kara-Tunga hosted two Kenya-based researchers for 10 days Trekking of Uganda’s Mount Kadam, in search for the unknown but with the gut feeling of finding something special to come back …
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Kara-Tunga launches tree planting Karamoja Conservation Zones
After months of preparations, Kara-Tunga Foundation launches tree planting for Karamoja Conservation Zones initiative.
During Kara-Tunga’s 8 years of operations, it has seen woodlands vanishing in just days. Fully loaded lorries exporting charcoal to the capital city. Illegal logging on commercial scale and exploitation of rural communities.
Drivers of threats
Poverty, lack of alternative income and a soaring demand have fuelled an environmental disaster. The effects are visible with a looming 5th failed rainfall season in a row. Besides crop failure, it is also jeopardising decades of peace-full coexistence due to scarcity of natural resources.
Kara-Tunga Foundation
As social enterprise, they are not able to solve this scale of a problem alone. They therefore launched our not-for-profit to develop sustainable answers with equitable partners.
Kara-Tunga’s first project is called The *Karamoja Conservation Zones* Initiative. It focuses on mitigating the drivers of deforestation through supporting community conservation enterprises in key biodiversity areas on high environmental pressure by adjacent communities. Secondly on restoring degraded land and thirdly on improving the management and protection.
Funded by the great people of World Land Trust and in collaboration with Kijani Forestry, EyeOpenerWorks, NARO Uganda, National Forestry Authority.
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